
Market Leading Actuators & Pyrotechnics

Primarily known for our actuators – pyro mechanical devices designed to perform safely across a wide range of industries – British Energetics can also assist in designing and manufacturing various pyrotechnic solutions. We can work independently or as an extension of your team to develop highly reliable, low maintenance and cost-effective solutions.

specialists in the development & manufacture of Pyrotechnics & Pyromechanisms

Exo is our high velocity pyrotechnic operated actuators and mechanisms. These use a self-contained expansion of gas which is generated by our pyrotechnic charge – this drives a piston which can be designed to thrust, push or cut. Opening, operating or puncturing across the widest variety of applications and industries.


AERO SMOKE pellets producE the greatest smoke volume

Aero smoke pellets have been designed and manufactured in the UK to generate some of the greatest smoke volume on the market – Up to 5 cubic metres of smoke for 30 seconds. The smoke density is excellent for testing flues, chimneys, pipework, drains and any other visual air testing requirements – Ignite the pellet with a flame (lighter or match) to initiate the test. Aero smoke pellets come in 3 different colours for you to differentiate during various testing situations and are BS5440 compliant.

Cool Gas Generator

The British Energetics Cool Gas Generator (BE-CGG) ensures that inert gas N2 is swiftly released into the protected enclosed space, precisely when it’s required.

The device uses solid state propellant to produce 175 litres or 450 grams of N2 gas in 30 seconds, allowing for zero pressure storage and low maintenance for 10 years. This clean and low-pressure gas can be used for fire suppression without causing collateral damage to equipment. It was originally developed for aerospace applications and is now available for commercial use.

research & development

Research & Development

British Energetics are your perfect partner. Our research and development department can be used extensively to gather knowledge, create new products and discover new ways to improve your existing products and technologies. Our facility allows you to test and refine products and processes before application and commercial use. We have a wide range of experience in actuators, simulators, heat-light-sound, dyes and inks, so call or email now about your needs.

Applications, activities & expertise

Special Effects




Dyes & Inks